Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Pushes Dead Island 2 Off To Claim Top Sales Spot in UK
With the pretty strong launch weekend, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has managed to claim the top spot in UK sales for the past week. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor managed to…

FIFA 20 Pushes Link’s Awakening Down from Top Spot in UK Sales
UKie/GfK has released its last week’s Top UK physical sales charts and without a doubt, FIFA 20 has taken the crown and dominated the list by claiming the top spot….

Fire Emblem: Three Houses Claims Top Spot After Beating Wolfenstein: Youngblood
Last week we saw the release of two major titles Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Wolfenstein: Youngblood. Both were decent titles belonging to long-running franchises however Fire Emblem: Three Houses…