World War Z: Aftermath Sin City Apocalypse Update

World War Z: Aftermath Brings the Undead to Las Vegas Today in Sin City Apocalypse Update

Developer and publisher Saber Interactive has announced the launch of the new Sin City Apocalypse update for World War Z: Aftermath on PC and consoles. Saber Interactive’s hit co-op zombie…

World War Z: Aftermath Sin City Apocalypse Update

World War Z: Aftermath Expands to Las Vegas in Sin City Apocalypse Update, Out This December

Developer and publisher Saber Interactive has announced the release date for the upcoming update Sin City Apocalypse for World War Z: Aftermath. World War Z: Aftermath Sin City Apocalypse is…

World War Z: Aftermath Extinction Update Arrives on PC, PlayStation and Xbox

Developer and publisher Saber Interactive has announced the launch of the new Extinction update for World War Z: Aftermath. The undead have returned in force with the launch of the…

World War Z Next-Gen

World War Z: Aftermath is Getting a Free Next-Gen Update This Month

Saber Interactive has announced that World War Z: Aftermath is getting a free next-gen update for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S this month. The free upgrade for World War Z:…