Tales of Arise Artifacts Guide – Where to Find, How to Get All Artifacts

Tales of Arise Artifacts Guide

This Tales of Arise Artifacts Guide will show you how you can get all the Artifacts in the game and where you can find them. Artifacts are rare items that give you bonus special effects, and you are introduced to them when you recruit Dohalim in your party.

While most of the Artifacts are obtained when you complete sub-quests, others can be found in chests in certain locations. This guide will list all the Artifacts and what quests you need to complete to get them, or where you can find an Artifact that may not be a part of any quest.

Tales of Arise Artifacts Guide

Below we have detailed all the Artifacts and how to get them


How to Get


Crocodile Crusher Obtained when you are in the  Mountain Trail in Mount Dhiara during the Valley of the Four Winds quest Arte Set +1
Battle Maiden’s Shield Obtained after you find 32 Owls collectibles Allows you to carry over equipment to New Game +
Vivid Sphere After you have at least 32 Owls, head over to Iglia Wastes in Calaglia to find another Owl on top of the mountain Allows you to carry statistics to New Game +
Broken Machine Gun After you have at least 32 Owls, head over to the Riville Prison Tower in Cyslodia and make your way to the hidden Chamber which contains an Owl. The key to the chamber is obtained after completing Survey Says and Culling the Snowplain Herds quests Allows you to carry over money and items to New Game +
Ancient Excavator After you have at least 32 Owls, go to Autelina Palace in Menancia and then head inside the Guard Room to find an Owl Allows you to carry over character levels to New Game +
Metal Miner’s Cap After you have at least 32 Owls, go to the Uninhabited Island in the Other. This area is accessible after you complete the Beyond the Grave quest Allows you to carry over Arte Proficiencies in New Game +
Trident After you have at least 32 Owls, find another Owl in the Del Fharis Castle in Ganath Haros. You will find the Owl in the Lord’s Chamber. Allows you to carry over Skills to New Game +
Machine Beast Statue Find all 38 Owls and give them to the Owl King Allows you to carry Outfits to New Game +
Glutton’s Guidebook Complete The Phantom Flower of Nevira quest found in the Library of Autelina Palace in Menancia Cooking Effects duration increased by 80%
Golden Suit of Armor Complete the Spirit Temple quest found in Traslida Highway in Menancia XP earned in battles is increased by 80%
Hellmask Fiend Skull Complete the Dohalim Solo Advanced level 40 Training Grounds in Viscint, Menancia. +100% damage dealt and damage received
Devil Sculpture Complete level 60 Dohalim Solo Ultimate Training Grounds in Viscint, Menancia. Chaos Difficulty unlock
Blade of Sealing Found in a chest in Adan Lake in Mahag Saar. The chest will be inside the tower on the mountain. Damage inflicted and taken is reduced to 1
Lucky Cat Statue Complete the Echoes quest in Niez in Mahag Saar. SP earned during battle is increased by 20%
Drum of the Legend Complete the Farewell Mage quest found in Niez in Mahag Saar Combat points earned in battles are increased by 80%
Quivering Candles Complete The Mysterious Pair quest found in Nieze in Mahag Saar Get more Ore
Glutton’s Maze Complete the Gourmet: Saga Prairie Scent quest found in Aqfotle Hills in Mahag Saar Cooking Effects duration increased by 10%
Drums of the Master Can be obtained from a chest found in the Waterfall Basin of Aureum Falls in Ganath Haros Combat points earned in battles increased by 20%
Golden Lucky Cat Statue Complete the Untamable Rage quest found in Thistlym in Ganath Haros SP earned in battles is increased by 80%
Silver Suit of Armor Complete Their Future quest in the third level pf Pelegion XP earned from battles increased by 20%
Golden Fairy Statue Complete A Humbling Lesson quest found in the Fountain Plaza Avenue in Cysloden. Get more Ore

Read more Tales of Arise guides below:

This concludes our Tales of Arise Artifacts Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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