In this The Surge 2 Beginner’s Guide, we will guide you on how you can play The Surge 2 if you are new to the franchise. At the start, The Surge 2 might be too intimidating because it is not an easy game to play specially when it comes to fighting bosses. The game will really test your patience and your skills when it comes to combat because other than that, the exploration bit is fairly simple and you will have a tough time combating enemies in general.
We have curated this The Surge 2 Beginner’s Guide in which we will detail some key mechanics of The Surge 2 and explain them which will ensure that you are always at the top of your game when it comes to playing the game. With the help of this guide, you will be able to easily dodge enemy attacks, make sure you are always in full health and chopping off those enemy parts to gain some crafting materials.
Beginner’s Guide – The Surge 2
Our The Surge 2 Beginner’s Guide details everything that you need to know about playing The Surge 2 for the first time.
Level Up to Increase your Power
You will use a lot of Power in The Surge 2 because all your equipment and implants require power so the more power you have, the better you are out in the Jericho City. However, increasing your power is not a hassle in the game at all. Every time you level up, your Power is also increased. That’s it. There’s no complicated process or requirements here. You can use your collected Tech Scrap to level up every time you are at a Med Station so make sure that you level up to increase your Power level as well. Eventually, you will start unlocking mod slots for leveling up in the game.
Use your Rig Light
Initially, you will not have your rig but you acquire it quite early in the game. Once you do, you can use its light to see in those pitch dark areas. You will often come to a location which is without any sort of light and you will be left in the dark without knowing where to look or go. Thankfully your rig comes with a built-in light which will help you out in these situations. On the controller, pressing down on the d-pad will turn on your rig lights while the default key on PC for lights is R.
Backstab Enemies to Stun Them
Sometimes you will find enemies that have not yet noticed you and they will have their backs turned against you. These are the perfect moments to nab some instant kills in a really cool stealth move. Make sure that you walk over to the enemy who has their back turned against you. Once you are in range, a stab icon will appear on top of the enemies, once it does, press the light attack button and you will instantly stab them which will stun the enemies for you finish them off.
Chop Off Enemy Parts for Schematics
If you’ve played The Surge, you will remember the chopping off part pretty good. Lucky for you, the same mechanic comes back and it is better than ever. If you want to obtain schematics and components to upgrade your weapons and armor, you will need to chop off parts and limbs of your enemies.
To chop off parts, look for weaker bits and keep attacking them until the on-screen prompt appears to chop them off. Once done, you will obtain schematics along with some components for that specific part. Sometimes if you are lucky, you will also nab an implant for chopping off enemy parts.
However, you must know that you can only chop off enemy parts when you have a battery charge. Every time you chop, it will consume one battery charge so make sure that you hit the enemy good to save some battery charges before you chop their limbs off for parts and schematics.
Another important thing to remember here is that the schematic and parts you obtain after chopping off a part are specific to the body part that you chop off. Meaning, if you chop off a right arm, you will get schematics for the right arm and parts as well. So look out for parts that you really need and then chop them off enemies to acquire parts and schematics that you really need.
Perform Combos and Charged Attacks for Extra Damage
Apart from normal attacks, you can mix and match your light and heavy attacks together and form combos which are a great way to deal damage quickly to your enemy. Apart from landing combos, you can also charge your attacks to land a more powerful but slower attack on your enemy. However, depending on your enemy’s fighting style, you will be required to find the right balance between different attacks.
Some enemies might not give you enough time to charge attacks so you will better off with some quick hits in such cases. Otherwise, if the enemy is dumb and slow, go for charged attacks as they deal the maximum damage. To land a charged attack, simply press and hold the attack button and then release when you hear the small sound of the charged attack ready. These are extremely effective against enemy shields and crushing their body parts.
For combos, each weapon in the game comes with their own unique combos so you will need to play around with both light and heavy attack buttons to find the best combo possible for your currently equipped weapons. Not all weapons work great in combos so you will need to figure it out with a little bit of practice and probably dying in the game as well.
Always Choose Your Favorite Weapon
The Surge 2 comes with a massive list of weapons and as you progress in the main game, you will keep finding new and better weapons however not all of them will fit your fighting style. You should always go for the weapon which fits your fighting style. Some weapons can be equipped in a single hand and they allow your character to be more agile however some heavy, two-handed weapons will make your character slow but will deal more damage.
In a game like The Surge 2, it is very important that you pick your own style of weapon because even the weapon deals a little less damage but allows you to be more agile around the enemies, it will ensure that you at least survive the fight even if it takes a little longer. You must find the right weapon for yourself however you can always keep another one spare in your inventory as a plan B.
Normally, you change your weapons at the med stations where you must access the Gear menu where you can swap out your weapons and armor to build the perfect build. However, you will not always have access to a med station specially during battles. So if you need a change of weapon on the go, simply add them to your favorites list and then you can toggle your weapons on the go by pressing the default favorite weapon key on your platform. It is d-pad up on controllers and Q on PC by default.
Always Keep an Eye on Your Health
Your health is the most important thing in The Surge 2 because when it becomes zero, you die. It is that simple. So you must be always aware of how much health you have even during the toughest of the boss battles. The game will give you plenty of opportunities to take damage and be humiliated by enemies at every corner but it does not mean that you don’t look out for yourself.
You will find plenty of health stations here and there in Jericho City which will not only heal your health to full but will also give you Medi-Voltaic Injection which is basically your health kit and will refill your health to full. If your health is full when you interact with the health station, you will acquire an injection in your inventory which you can use later in the game to refill your health.
After you have acquired your rig in the game, you will start storing battery charges. If you run out of injectables, you can use a stored battery charge to trigger the injectable which greatly makes healing easier during combat. You gain battery charges when you attack your enemies so you must keep hitting them if you want to heal yourself but make sure that you don’t end up dying instead.
You can also upgrade your medical implant to make it more effective such as storing more pre-charges and later acquiring pre-charges directly from the med bay. This will greatly assist you in surviving throughout the game and you can easily take down even the most formidable of your enemies while making sure that you have plenty of health remaining at the end of the battle.
Dodge, Block or Parry Incoming Attacks
The Surge 2 allows you to block or even parry incoming enemy attacks to give you an edge over powerful enemies. To block, you can simply press the block key on your platform however to parry, you will need to push the right joystick in the direction of the attack right when the attack is about to connect with you. This might take a little time to practice and get good at parrying but this will greatly benefit in the long run.
Quite early in the game, you will unlock an implant called Directional-Block Analyzer which is aimed at helping you decide where the attack is coming from. With this implant equipped, every time you will be notified on the screen where the attack is coming from. Once you have parried the attack, the enemy will be stunned and you will gain a short window to move in and land some of your own attacks.
If you don’t want to engage with the enemy at all, you can choose to dodge away from the attack completely. To do so, simply push the directional button of your choice and press the jump key. This will allow you to quickly dodge out of harm’s way but if you want to attack after a dodge, quickly press the attack key right after the dodge and you will return in the action with a hit on your enemy.
This concludes our The Surge 2 Beginner’s Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.