In this The Surge 2 Implants Guide, we will guide you on everything that you need to know about implants in The Surge 2. The Surge 2 brings back a lot of features from the first title and implants are one of them. You can find tons of implants in The Surge 2 which will make you better in various scenarios. However, among all the common implants, some implants are the best and you should opt for these implants as soon as possible.
We have curated this The Surge 2 Implants Guide in which we have explained how Implants work and how you can find the best implants easily in the game. Founding the implants is not enough because you only get limited slots for equipping slots at the start so you will need to manage unless you can find the best implants, unlock all slots and equip them to make your character the best in the game.
Implants Guide – The Surge 2
Our The Surge 2 Implants Guide details everything that you need to know about Implants in The Surge 2 and where to find the best implants in the game.
What are Implants in The Surge 2
You can treat Implants are mods because when equipped, they provide you with various bonuses. These bonuses are major and without these implants, you cannot really progress in the game as well. You can know of their importance by the fact that the only healing mechanics in the game are obtained through Implants so if you remove these implants, you will not be able to heal at all in The Surge 2.
Apart from regular mods, you have a different menu where you can manage your implants and you only get a limited number of slots to equip these implants. At the start of the game, you only have 4 implants so if you find more than 5 mods which you will easily, you will need to equip the best ones and sacrifice the other less important ones. Once you’ve reached Power Level 20, you will start unlocking more implant slots in the game. After Level 20, you unlock a slot after every 10 levels at the way to Level 90.
Best Implants
Like we mentioned earlier, The Surge 2 has a lot of different implants that you can find and equip to give your character various bonuses in the game. However, some of the implants in The Surge 2 are the best and most helpful which must be equipped as soon as you find them. You may choose to switch these implants depending on your playstyle and level of proficiency by players looking to make the game a little bit easier must find and equip the following implants as soon as possible.
Auto-Healing Dynamo
With the Auto-Healing Dynamo implant, your sustainability will greatly increase in battles. To find this useful implant, head to the Power Plant and defeat SPARK Galvanizer by cutting the head. In addition, you can also find it in a loot chest in the Underground.
Directional Block Analyzer
This is a very helpful implant if you are having trouble with blocking and parrying enemy attacks. With this implant equipped, you will be notified of all incoming attacks so you can parry in the right direction before the attack connects. A white marker appears in the direction of the incoming attack. You get it very early in the game as soon as you obtain your rig.
Dynamic Redirector
This implant is useful if you find yourself out of energy during battles often. You can purchase it from Molly at Seaside Court.
Energy Dynamo
Same as the last one, this implant helps better management of energy and ensures that you always have some energy left. This is found inside a chest in Jericho City. Head inside the Sanitation Alley from Gideon Plaza using the side alley to find the chest.
Manslayer will make your character more effective against humanoid enemies. In Port Nixon, defeat and chop the head off the Heavy Cultist to obtain this implant.
Nanite Shatterer
Nanite Shatterer will make your character more effective against Nanite enemies. This is sitting inside a chest on Wild Boar Path in Metea Forest, Gideon’s Rock.
Nano Absorber
With the Nano Absorber equipped, your Nano defense is increased. Kill the Nanobeast in Gideon’s Rock and chop its head off to get this implant.
Physical Aggression Redirector
This is again a very useful implant as it makes your chopping skills better in the game. With this implant equipped, after selecting the part of your desire, you will land nearly every hit on the part properly and deal maximum damage to enemies ensuring that you are able to cut down parts more effectively. This can be obtained early in the game as well. Escape from the Detention Center and then move towards Jericho City’s center. When you reach the bridge which is guarded by a double-duty wielding scavenger, kill him and move forward to find the implant on a platform up ahead.
Robotic Disrupter
This implant will make your character more effective against robotic enemies. You will find it inside a chest on Wild Boar Path in Metea Forest, Gideon’s Rock.
Check out more The Surge 2 guides below.
This concludes our The Surge 2 Implants Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.