The Surge 2 Items Guide – Where to Find All Items

The Surge 2 Items Guide

In this The Surge 2 Items Guide, we will show you where you can find all the key items that are needed to be located in order to progress in the main story missions of the game.

The gameplay requires certain key items that help you complete a certain set of missions or to continue with the story. Some items are there to help improve your gameplay, while others are required to open doors and unlock paths that you need to cross.

This guide is a work in progress. More items will be added soon in this guide.

The Surge 2 Items Guide

Below we have detailed the key items that you can find in The Surge 2.

Item #1 – EMP-44 Starfish

This is a drone that will accompany you and help you unlock doors so that you can progress in the missions. To get this item, you need to first defeat the boss called Little Johnny. This boss is a three-legged spider-robot enemy that you will have to fight and defeat. This fight is a little technical and requires you to weaken Little Johnny by overheating this giant machine. Little Johnny has 6 different cooling tanks that need to be taken down. These are located on the various part of Little Johnny’s body. Start by slashing them off from its legs, and then going for the torso.

The attacks of this boss include swinging of its long legs and trying to wipe you out. Occasionally, this boss will also stomp its feet at your location and you will have to completely dodge this attack. After doing this, you can continue by focusing on its tanks. With each cooling tank you take out, the more Little Johnny gets close to overheating. Take out all the cooling tanks, and then the boss will overheat and die.

Once you have defeated Little Johnny, you will be rewarded with the EMP-44 Starfish.

Item #2 – Force Hook

This item is key if you need to use the Exo Lines, which are zip lines that allow you to zip down from them using the Force Hook. This item is just made to save your time by zipping your way down instead of having to go all the way down from where you came from.

To get the Force Hook, you need to make your way into the Liang Wei Hospital, where it will be inside a chest, ready to be picked up. This location can be reached after you go through the A.I.D Command, and then the Entry Control Gateway. This will take you straight to the hospital. Now keep heading up to the Overlook until you reach a chest containing the Force Hook.

Read more of The Surge 2 Guides:

This guide is a work in progress. More items will be added soon. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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