The Witcher 3 for the Nintendo Switch was leaked a while back but now it has been confirmed by Nintendo at E3. If you are interested in playing The Witcher 3 on the go and at home then you can do that now.
The complete edition of the game will be coming to Nintendo Switch so not only will players have access to the base game but all the DLC as well. You can check out the announcement trailer below:

Keeping in mind how graphics intensive the game is on PC and console, it is expected that the game will be heavily downgraded and that it will be limited to 30 FPS on the Nintendo Switch. We will have to wait and see what kind of downgrade this game is going to get on the Switch but it is going to be great fun to be able to play The Witcher 3 on the go.
You can also check out the other Ubisoft E3 2019 announcements:
- Watch Dogs Legion Releasing in March 2020
- A Free Quest Creator Has Arrived in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
- Shadows of the Hitokiri Event for For Honor
- Roller Champions as a Free-to-Play Roller Derby Game for PC
Let us know what you think about The Witcher 3 coming to the Nintendo Switch and whether or not you are interested in playing it again if you have already done so.