In this UFC 4 Clinch Guide we will guide you on how you can clinch in UFC 4. If you’ve been playing the UFC franchise for a long time or simply are a fan of mixed martial arts, then you would know that clinching is an important technique in the game and it is vital that you know how to clinch in the game because it will allow you to perform a different number of moves which are not possible otherwise. There are different factors that you have to keep in mind as well however everything is detailed below for you.
Clinch Guide – UFC 4
Our UFC 4 Clinch Guide details everything that you need to know about Clinch in UFC 4 such as what it is, how to initiate, and how to follow up with additional attacks.
Clinching in UFC 4
The button you need to press to clinch in UFC 4 actually depends on your fighter’s lead hand. Since we played the game on PS4, we will be using the PS4 layout of controls, you can press the equivalent controller on an Xbox One controller if you are playing the game on Xbox One. Starting with the very basic clinch, you can clinch in the game by pressing R1 + Square or Triangle. R1 is the same for everyone but depending on your fighter’s lead hand, you will need to press Square or Triangle.
This is the very basic Clinch move that you can use in the game to initiate a clinch and then follow-up with some advanced attacks and moves. For starters, if you want to move your opponent to a different location after a clinch, simply push your left joystick around and you will make your opponent move around. However, do not expect your clinch to last forever, depending on the strength of your character, they will break free soon.
To maintain your grip, you can instead transition your clinch. To transition your clinch, you can use the same combo once again that you used earlier but this time around, you simply have to tap it. Tap R1 + Square or Triangle to transition your clinch. You can also throw and trip from the clinch by pressing R1 + X or O depending on your lead hand. To deal with some damage to your enemies during your clinch, press L1 + Square and X or Triangle and O.
If you want too, you can also land some knees from the clinch as well. There are different types of knees that you can land from a clinch. To land a Knee to Leg, press X or O, to land a Knee to Body, press L2+X or O, to land a Knee to Head press L1+ X or O. This will allow you to land some knees on your opponents before they escape or you let them go. These are all of the Clinching attacks that you can follow up after initiating a basic clinch.
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This concludes our UFC 4 Clinch Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.