V Rising Fast Travel Guide – How to Fast Travel, Waygates, Cave Passages

V Rising Fast Travel Guide

V Rising offers an extensive map, and this may cause traversing it a little problem. Lucky for you, the game offers a unique mode of fast travel that you can utilize to cut short your travel time massively in the game. This V Rising Fast Travel Guide covers everything you need to know about using Waygates and Cave Passages for teleportation throughout Vardoran.

Fast Travel Guide – V Rising

To fast travel in V Rising, players must find Vampire Waygates marked by green portal icons on the map. These icons become visible only when approached closely. Refer to our map below for all Waygate locations. However, using Waygates in V Rising comes with limitations. They cannot be used while carrying resources or loot, forcing players to either drop items or travel on foot.

Despite these challenges, players can look forward to unlocking the ability to build a Vampire Waygate at their Castle as they progress through the game. This construction significantly simplifies travel across Vardoran’s expansive regions. You can also use cave passages for the same purpose.

Note: Your character can utilize Vampire Powers to transform into various forms like Wolf, Human, Rat, Bear, Frog, and Bat. Forms like Wolf and Bat enhance resistance to elements such as sunlight and boost movement speed, facilitating travel over long distances.

Find And Use Cave Passages

Cave Passages are another way to quickly travel across Vardoran, distinct from Vampire Waygates. Unlike Waygates, Cave Passages let you carry resources and loot while traveling. To locate a Cave Passage, look for glowing red cracks on rock walls. Approach these cracks and hold F to enter the cave system.

However, Cave Passages have a significant limitation: they are one-way teleporters. The exit is always on a cliff that is typically inaccessible, even with Vampire Powers like Frog Form or Bat Form. Nonetheless, standing on the ledge at the Cave Passage exit allows you to return to the entrance.

It’s advisable to strategically plan Castle locations around Cave Passage exits for quicker resource management, especially in regions abundant with endgame materials like the Cursed Forest.

Vampire Waygate And Cave Passages Locations

IGN has created a useful map that showcases all of the Waygates and cave passages and how they are linked with each other. We have linked it below for you:

V Rising Fast Travel Guide

Cave Passage Locations

In V Rising, there are four Cave Passage routes available for exploration. These routes are located in different regions:

  • Silverlight Hills: You can enter one Cave Passage in the southern part of this area.
  • Dunley Farmlands: Look for another Cave Passage entrance north of the Haunted Iron Mine.
  • Cursed Forest: Two Cave Passages are situated here. One is in the northwest corner, and the other is towards the eastern edge of the region.

Farbane Woods Waygate Locations

There are a total of four Vampire Waygates located in the Farbane Woods area. Regrettably, these Waygates are situated on the outskirts of the region, requiring travelers to use Cave Passages for efficient travel if they aim to reach the central areas of the region quickly.

Dunley Farmlands Waygate Locations

In the Dunley Farmlands region, there are four Vampire Waygate sites. Most of these Waygates are situated in the southern part of the region. If you choose to expand northward, you’ll have to use the two Cave Passages located in the northwestern area for fast travel.

Silverlight Hills Waygate Locations

There is only one Vampire Waygate in the Silverlight Hills region unfortunately, It’s situated in the northeastern area. Although there is a Cave Passage not far to the south of the Waygate, navigating quickly through the Silverlight Hills region could be somewhat difficult.

Cursed Forest Waygate Locations

Similar to Silverlight Hills, the Cursed Forest area also has only one Waygate. It is located in the southern part of the region, close to the border where the Cursed Forest meets Dunley Farmlands.

Additional V Rising guides are linked below for you:

This concludes our V Rising Fast Travel Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Michelle Siddiq

Guides Editor at GamesHedge, Michelle enjoys playing RPGS like Witcher titles and SoulsBorne among many others like retro games and indie titles. Currently replaying Alan Wake Remastered because why not!

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