This Valheim Cheat Codes Guide will show you all the cheats and console commands that the game has to offer and the ones you can use in your gameplay. There are several handy cheats that you can enter for various effects.
Valheim Cheat Codes Guide
Below we have listed all the cheats and console commands in the game and how to enter them.
How to Enter Cheats
Cheats in Valheim need nothing special for them to take effect, when all you are required to do is to open up the console command by pressing F5. In order to enter the cheats, you first have to enter Cheat Mode, which can be done by typing imacheater in the console command.
This will enable you to enter cheats codes that we have listed below:
Cheat | Code |
god | Enable God mode to make you invincible. |
beard | Remove beard |
ghost | Enemies don’t attack you and ignore you |
raiseskill [skill] [amount] | Raise your skill level to a desired amount |
resetskill [skill] | Resets the skill to 0 |
pos | Display player coordinates |
goto [x,z] | Teleport to location |
killall | Kill all enemies nearby |
tame | Tame all nearby animals |
ffsmooth | Free camera smoothing |
freefly | Camera freefly |
hair | Remove hair |
location | Set a new spawn location |
removedrops | Remove all drops nearby |
tod [0-1] | Set the time of day between values 0 and 1 |
tod -1 | Reset to default time of day |
skiptime [seconds] | Skip time forward by entering seconds |
spawn [itemname] [amount] [level] | Spawn item with your preferred amount and level |
debugmode | Toggle creative mode |
heal | Full health |
puke | Reset hunger and health back to default |
model [0-1] | Switch gender to male or female |
resetcharacter | Reset all skills and inventory |
event [name] | Start an event that you enter |
stopevent | Stop the current event |
randomevent | Start a random event |
resetmap | Reset map exploration, clear all explored areas |
exploremap | Explore all map |
wind [angle 0-360] [intensity 0-1] | Set the wind angle and intensity |
resetwind | Reset wind to default |
sleep | Fast forward a day |
listkeys | List all global keys |
resetenv | Reset debug environment |
env [env] | Sets debug environment |
dpsdebug | Damage dps debug print |
setkey [name] | Set new global key |
resetkeys [name] | Reset the key you enter |
Console Commands
Commands | Code |
save | Force save of world |
help | List all commands |
kick [name/ip/userid] | Kick player from server |
ban [name/ip/userid] | Ban player from server |
unban [name/ip/userid] | Unban player from server |
banned | List banned players |
ping | Show ping |
info | Print system info |
lodbias [0-5] | Set a draw distance for server |
Read more Valheim guides:
This concludes our Valheim Cheat Codes Guide. Post your comments below.