This Valheim Fishing Guide will show you how you find yourself a Fishing Rod and start fishing in the game. Fishing is another way you can get food in Valheim, with the addition of being safer than other methods of getting food.
Fishing in Valheim offers you an excellent source of food if you have the right tools for it. Most other sources of food require you to look for them, venture into dangerous territory and put yourself at risk of being attacked by enemies. Fishing is much safer as it requires you to find a water source, stay in one place and get meat.
Valheim Fishing Guide
Below we have detailed how to get the fishing rod and how you can fish in the game.
How to Get a Fishing Rod
The fishing rod can be bought from a vendor found in the Black Forest biome. Before you head out to get the fishing rod, make sure you have enough gold coins to buy both the fishing rod and the fishing bait. Both these items are required for fishing, which is why you should have enough gold coins.
You can get gold coins by killing the various enemies in dungeons or selling valuable items that you might not be needing at the moment. The fishing rod requires 350 gold coins, while the bait costs 10 gold coins. Once you have enough gold, head to the Black Forest biome and look for the vendor selling you both the items.
How to Fish
With both the fishing rod and fishing bait in hand, you can now start fishing by first attaching the bait to the fishing rod, and then look for a water source where you can fish. When ready, equip the fishing rod to cast the line by holding the left-click button on the mouse to charge it, and release to cast the line in the water.
Now you have to wait for the fish to grab the hook and keep your finger on the right-click button, ready to reel the fish when it is caught. Once a fish gets hooked, right-click to reel the fish, keeping a look on your stamina so that it doesn’t drain completely. The fish will challenge you a little and your task is to tire it and bring it close enough that you can grab it by hand. When you successfully reel the fish close to you, press E to collect it.
At this point, you can cast another line to fish for more fish meat. Just keep an eye on your fish bait so that it doesn’t run out too soon.
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This concludes our Valheim Fishing Guide. Post your comments below.