Valheim Stagbreaker War Hammer Guide – How to Get, Craft Weapon

Valheim Stagbreaker War Hammer Guide

This Valheim Stagbreaker War Hammer Guide will show you how you can get the Stagbreaker war hammer weapon in the game. This is a powerful dual handed weapon that will is a favorite for all conditions.

The large war hammer is great for taking out enemies of all sizes, sending out a damage radius where you swing out in front. Larger enemies are also knocked and staggered, providing you a chance to follow up with more swings.

Valheim Stagbreaker War Hammer Guide

Below we have detailed how you can craft the Stagbreaker hammer in the game.

How to Craft Stagbreaker

Like any item in the game, the Stagbreaker war hammer can be crafted by first collecting the required materials and then crafting at the workbench. There are three resource materials required to craft the weapon. These are 2 Leather Scraps, 20 Core Wood, and 5 Deer Trophies.

By now, you would have been hunting all sorts of game like deers for meat. Occasionally, a successful hunt for animals drops a trophy that you can collect. Hunting animals also gives you leather which you can convert to Leather Scraps.

The last item you need is 20 pieces of Core Wood, which you can do so by going to the Black Forest area of the game. Once you have all the three resource materials and the right amount of them as required for the crafting recipe, you are all set to make your own Stagbreaker.

The only thing you have to make sure of is to upgrade your workbench to a higher level so that it allows you to craft the Stagbreaker. To help you with that, you can check out our Workbench Upgrade Guide.

Read more Valheim guides:

This concludes our Valheim Stagbreaker War Hammer Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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