Warframe Air Support Charges Guide – How to Call, Landing Aircrafts

In this Warframe Air Support Charges Guide we will guide you on how you can call in and use the Air Support Charges in Warframe. After you have successfully created a landing craft, you can call it in for special Air Support Charges that will help you out during your battles in different ways. Each landing craft in Warframe comes with its own unique Air Support Charge so you can find the best one for yourself in the game.

Air Support Charges Guide – Warframe

Our Warframe Air Support Charges Guide details everything that you need to know about Air Support Charges in Warframe.

How to Build Air Support Charges in Warframe

Before you can equip and use Air Support Charges in Warframe, you will need to build them at your Foundry. You automatically acquire their blueprints so you do not have to worry about researching them first. You can directly build them in the Foundry. In addition, no matter which Landing Craft you choose in the game, all of them use the same Air Support Charges so you do not require a different one for each Landing Craft. You can simply consider them as tokens for calling down the air support. You will need the following resources for creating Air Support Charges in the Foundry:

  • Credits – 4000
  • Ferrite – 1200
  • Salvage – 2000
  • Morphics – 1
  • Plastids – 700

Once you have created the Air Support Charge, go to your Arsenal menu and then the Gear tab. Once there, add Air Support Charge to your Gear Wheel and you will be all set to use them during your missions. You must know that there is a small delay after you call in the Air Support because the Landing Craft actually makes the pass before the ability is triggered. In addition, you can use a second Air Support Charge after 10 minutes so make sure that you use them at the exact time when you really have to.

Types of Air Support Charges in Warframe

There are four unique types of Air Support Charges in Warframe. You can check out their details below:

Air Support Charge Ability Description
Liset Override Deploys a beacon that disables all enemy lockdowns, cameras and alarms. Also grants additional time during Spy and Rescue missions.
Mantis Med Tower Deploys a Healing Capsule that heals you for 100 HP. Has a 25 time use limit
Scimitar Carpet Bomb Carpet bombs the area around you
Xiphos Sentry Turret Deploy a friendly sentry turret that shoots at anyone that comes in its range.

For more help with Warframe, check out the guides linked below.


This concludes our Warframe guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Way of the Hunter.

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