Ark Fjordur brings a handful of unique creatures in this new expansion, where you along with other players have to locate them in order to complete the game. Though not many, these unique creatures present all sorts of dangers when your intention is to bring on the fight and beat them. Having said that, this guide will show you where you can find all the new Unique Creatures in Ark Fjordur.
Where to Find all Unique Creatures in Ark Fjordur
We have detailed each creature’s locations with coordinates that will you to a specific unique creature.
Aberrant Megalania
This is one of the Unique Creature that you can find in the Fjordur expansion, specifically north on the main island above the river. The exact coordinates where you will run into the Aberrant Megalania are [Lat: 34.9, Lon: 31.5].
The Fjorhawk is found in the rough location around these coordinates: [Lat: 14.3, Lon: 23.7]. This location is near Snaeheimr Mountains, where you might be able to spot this large bird roaming around. The creature is also quite useful in the game, as it can help you find dropped items that you may have lost upon death.
The might aggressive Andrewsarchus’s agility and speed, along with temperament is something that you should always be vary of. The Andrewsarchus can be found in the vicinity of these coordinates: [Lat: 25.3, Lon: 71.7].
The last of the new Unique Creatures in Ark Fjordur is the Fenrir, which is the elusive creature that you cant even find unless you have beaten six different boss creatures in the game. It is only when you defeat the certain creatures, that you can then summon Fenri.
To summon Fenrir, you need to heads of the following creatures at the runestones:
- Broodmother Lysrix [Lat: 56.9, Lon: 23.7]
- Dragon [Lat: 86.3, Lon: 5.7]
- Fjordur Beyla [Lat: 4.3, Lon: 47.4]
- Hati and Skoll [Lat: 21.0, Lon: 36.9]
- Megapithecus [Lat: 56.0, Lon: 84.3]
- Steinbjorn [Lat: 78.1, Lon: 31.2]
Check our more guides in Ark Fjordur below:
These are all the locations of the Unique Creatures in Ark Fjordur. Post your comments below.