The Division 2 Combat Guide – Cover, Skills, Perks, Tips and Tricks

The Division 2 Combat Guide

In this The Division 2 Combat Guide, we will guide you on the combat aspect of The Division 2. You will spend a lot of time in The Division 2 fighting different enemies, completing missions and taking over Control Points. Combat is a vital mechanic of The Division 2 and you must get used to all combat mechanics in the game as soon as possible if you want to survive.

We have curated this The Division 2 Combat Guide in which we will guide you on all the combat aspects of The Division 2. We will share some important tips and tricks that will surely help you survive in The Division 2 in combat situations. These tips will not only help you if you are just starting the game but also if you are a The Division 2 veteran so dive right in.

Combat Guide – The Division 2

Our The Division 2 Combat Guide will ensure that you are at the top of your game when it comes to combat in The Division 2.

Make Effective Use of Cover

You must always stick to cover every time you are under attack by enemies. Enemies in The Division 2 are very tough and they will easily kill you if you are not careful in your approach. Always make sure that you have some escape routes while you are in cover. While in cover, enemies will throw grenades at you and heavies and enemies wielding shotguns will try to rush you.

In cover, make sure that your enemies are in your sight and you are well aware of your surroundings. Do not get surrounded by enemies by all sides as you will end up dying. Make sure that you keep changing cover as well because the enemies will always try to box you in. Keep on the move to keep your enemies guessing. While in cover, you can move from one cover to another easily.

To move from one cover to another, you do not have to leave your current cover. All you need to do is highlight the new cover location where you want to move and simply press the X or A button. This will move your agent to the marked location quickly and without exposing your body to the enemy fire.

If there are some heavies in the area, you can move from cover to cover and try to get on their backside for maximum damage. This movement is very quick and will make sure that you do not come in the direct firing line of your enemies. Also moving between cover will ensure that your enemies do not box you in. If you stick to one cover for too long, chances are that you will get boxed in easily.

Use Grenades

You will really need grenades to get out of many tight spots in The Division 2. Grenades will help you deal massive damage to heavy enemies and will take out clusters of enemies with a single explosion. When you see enemies clustered together in a tight group, always switch to grenades and take them out all at once.

Grenades are also super effective against enemies who are hiding behind cover. If you are unable to get a shot on an enemy behind a cover, toss a grenade and watch him either run out of the cover or get killed when the grenade explodes. Enemies will also throw grenades at you while you are in cover so you must watch out for enemy explosives.

Keep a Diverse Loadout

Scenarios in The Division 2 can vary very quickly. One moment you are out fighting in wide and long streets; another moment you are facing enemies inside a tight building with no cover. You must keep different types of weapons with you all the time so that you can switch your gear on the go. You require different weapons for long encounters and tight encounters.

You must always have plenty of ammo with you and a long range and a short range weapon. Keep assault rifles and shotguns handy and unlock your secondary weapon slot to have two weapons equipped all the time. With your secondary weapon slot, you can quickly alternate between both weapons but when the need arises, you must have weapons in your inventory to equip.

Land Specific Hits on Enemies

Your enemies are armored. Most of them are heavily armored but even the normal ones come with some sort of armor. The best way to counter enemies is to focus on a single spot on their body and keep shooting it. This will ensure that the armor gets weak and breaks off allowing you to damage the enemy directly via that spot.

This comes very handy to save ammo in situations where ammo is not readily available. Instead of spraying bullets all over an enemy’s body, focus on a specific section of their armor and unload the full magazine on it. Chances are you will kill the enemy easily with this strategy as their armor will get damaged from that spot easily.

Always Keep Your Weapons Reloaded

The streets of Washington D.C. are full of threats around every corner. After every firing exchange, always reload both your weapons. This is extremely helpful if you prefer using big magazine weapons such are LMGs. Such weapons take a long time to reload and you cannot afford to reload them right in your enemy’s face.

Once an encounter ends, reload your weapons quickly. Even if there are no enemies in sight, you must always be ready for a gunfight and for this very purpose, your guns must always be reloaded. This will save you a great deal of trouble in various situations.

General Tips and Tricks

  • Switch to your preferred shoulder by pressing the left analog stick while you are aiming. This will help you switch your shoulder on the move and you can easily fire in different situations. Even if you do not have a preferred firing shoulder, you will need to switch shoulders in certain combat scenarios where you must switch your shoulder so that you do not show your entire body to the enemy while firing.
  • You can turn off your Active skills yourself by pressing their respective buttons again when the combat scenario is open. This will ensure that they are charged back up quickly before your next enemy encounter. Most of the skills in The Division 2 will keep active even after combat until their timer does not run out. You can manually cancel them to speed up the recharging.
  • Keep a lookout for yellow crates while you are out on the streets of Washington D.C. These yellow crates will give you weapon boosters which will enhance your weapon’s combat effectiveness for a specific magazine. Always keep an eye out of them and if you see one, pick them up right away.
  • Make sure that you have some Armor Kits handy all the time. As you take damage in fights, your armor will get weak and eventually break. To ensure that your armor always remains in very good condition, you must always keep some Armor Kits with you so that you can quickly repair your broken or damaged armor.

For more The Division 2 guides, check out the links below.

This concludes our The Division 2 Combat Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Way of the Hunter.

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