Sony Finally Gives Us our First Look at PS5 User Interface

PS5 User Interface

With Sony’s next-gen console right around the horizon, the company has finally woken up from its long-slumber has started revealing the last remaining details about the upcoming PS5. In their latest blog post, we finally have our first impressions of the much-awaited user interface of PS5. Published by Senior Vice President, Platform Planning & Management, Hideaki Nishino, the new video gives us a detailed look at nearly all aspects of different screens and options that you will have on your brand-new PS5.

Check out the 11-minute long user interface reveal of PS5 below before we jump into the details:

First Look at the PlayStation 5 User Experience

Hideaki details that the new features in the PS5 user interface are inspired by concept and vision. There are several new features this time around that are aimed at making the gaming experience more fun, engaging, personalized, and social. The major highlights of the new UI is the Control Center which provides immediate access to almost everything that players will need from the system at a single press of the PlayStation button on the DualSense wireless controller. This can be accessed while playing a game as well.

Another new feature in the UI is Activities which is designed to help players get closer to the key elements of gameplay. Here, you will see various gameplay opportunities displayed in the form of on-screen cards. These opportunities include anything that you might have missed in the game, jump directly into levels or challenges you want to play, and many other useful things from the game in-question.

PS5 User Interface

Sony has also reworked the entire software stack from the console to the network which allows players to navigate the UI, switching between the games and jumping into online games much more easily. This will result in less-time navigating through the UI and more time playing the games. With the UI reveal, we are now in the final stretch for the release of the PS5 console.

For more PS5 details, make sure that you check out the previously released PS5 console teardown, Japanese Press early hands-on impressions on the console, price reveal of the console, backward compatibility of the console, or the reveal of video games coming to the console in two separate events here and here.

Which is your favorite aspect of the newly revealed PS5 user interface? Let us know in the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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