The Outer Worlds Endings Guide – How To Get Hidden Ending, All Outcomes

The Outer Worlds Endings Guide

In this The Outer Worlds Endings Guide, we will show you how to get all the endings in the game, and what are all the outcomes possible that will conclude the story of The Outer Worlds.

We already know that there are two main endings of the game. However, there is one other ending that is quite dumb but will instantly end the game. There might be more alternate endings, but they are yet to be discovered.

The Outer Worlds Endings Guide

Below we have detailed all the endings found so far in the game.

Ending #1 – Choose Phineas

You will come at a stage in the game where you have to decide if you are going to join Phineas and go against the board. This is the expected good ending of the game and Phineas is a man that you first meet at the starting of the game.

The ending requires you to accompany Phineas and help him on a mission. Your task here is to meet his contact in Monarch. You then have to get some Dimethyl Sulfoxide among other stuff you have to collect. Phineas intends to take down the Board and will take you straight to Tartarus.

This ending will require you to fight all the soldiers of the Board and then finally confronting the Chairman Rockwell. At this point, there are two paths you can take. You can either convince Chairman Rockwell to be on your side, or fight a giant robot.

If you fail to convince Chairman Rockwell, you will have to fight a giant robot boss, followed by talking to Sophia Akande. At this point, there are two paths you can take. You can either kill Sophia and loot the key off from her to free Phineas, or you can persuade her to flee and not face the consequences.

Your persuasion will only work if your skills are high enough. Your Intimidate should be above 85, and your Persuade should be at 100. This along with your Heavy Weapons should be at least 55, and two-handed melee weapons should be at 85. You can then Intimidate her and try to persuade her to run away or she will be killed by you.

Once you are done with everything, go and talk to Phineas and he will give you a glimmer of hope by populating a new home in Halycon. There, you can rebuild your colony and revive The Hope.

Ending #2 – Choose The Board

If you decide to go against Phineas and turn him as a prisoner of the Board. To get this ending, You have to talk to Udom Bedford when you first get to the Groundbreaker. This is where you can turn Phineas in when you talk to him. This ending is the bad ending of the game.

This will trigger your loyalty with The Board as you will start working for them instead. This will totally change the gameplay experience as you will be fighting other enemies instead of the Board soldiers. The only catch is that the prisoners that were freed by Phineas will set up a riot that gets Chairman Rockwell killed.

There is also another path in this ending where instead of turning Phineas in, you can make him take his own life. This can make things easier to achieve this ending as it will prevent you from fighting the giant robot at the end.

Ending 3 – Destroy the Ship, Kill Everyone

This is a hidden ending but one that you would not be expecting to be as easy. Whether you are siding with Phineas or working with The Board, you will come to a point where you will go to the Hope during the Kept Secret But Not Forgotten mission.

In this mission, you will have a choice to skip the ship. This will then bring you to a console where you can skip the ship. For this ending, you will need the Dumb stat. Ada will advise you not to do it, but you can convince her easily. This will then allow your ship to sail in the Sun and destroy everyone on it along with itself.

Read more of The Outer Worlds guides:

This concludes our The Outer Worlds Endings Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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